Monday, March 21

About Our Church

It’s about spiritual formation and becoming a transformational community - - that’s what I think God is doing among us in 2011.  We tried many things in 2010 to strengthen our faith community and to heighten our visibility as a soul-reaching ministry. Some succeeded; some efforts tumbled, but landed on their feet.

Our vision as laid out in our ministry charter remains strong - - “We will be a Mission Center helping outsider pre-Christians become insider Christ-followers who grow into a life of full devotion to Christ. Whatever it takes!”  As we look at ourselves in our church we believe that “Full devotion to Christ and His cause (making disciples) should be normal for every believer.”  If a person or a venture inside the church is not fully given over to this cause of Christ - - to make disciples, we consider this to be uncharacteristic of what a Christ-follower or a church member should be. 

If we take this Bible-based vision and move it forward through the strategy of helping people take four journeys: The Journey to Faith, The Journey to Grow, The Journey to Serve, and the Journey to Love - - - I think this is a winning strategy to become a church that transforms people and can impact our community in a big way for Christ.

The question is - - Can we join hands?  Can we abandon our own individual agendas? (Did you know that the word “Synod” means “walking together”?).  The Devil will not stand around idle-handed in all of this.  Jesus says in Matthew 12:25, “A house divided against itself can not stand.”  And you’ve got to know that the Devil wants us divided so that this vision and strategy can not get traction. 

My church, my rights, my needs, my group must give way to a sanctified, God-designed “We”.  I pray that 2011 will be a defining moment in our church for a unified growing season in our church family. 

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