Caiaphas, Pilot's wife, Judas, and the chief priests were all enemies of Jesus. During the season of Jesus' death and resurrection, they meant one thing, but God said something more--God spoke truth through their words. Join us as we prepare our hearts this Lent season with "Sermons Preached by Jesus' Enemies."
“By His Wounds We Are Healed” Sunday Passion Series | March 27 – April 17
March 23: Wednesday Lent, 7 PM: Jews For Jesus: Christ In The Passover
March 27: Sunday, 8 & 10:45 AM: By His Wounds We Are Healed: At Gethsemane
March 30: Wednesday Lent Gathering, 7 PM: Sermons Preached By Jesus’ Enemies Part 3
April 3: Sunday, 8 & 10:45 AM: By His Wounds We Are Healed: On Trial
April 6: Wednesday Lent, 7 PM: Sermons Preached By Jesus’ Enemies Part 4
April 10: Sunday, 8 & 10:45 AM: By His Wounds We Are Healed: The Cross
April 13: Wednesday Lent Gathering, 7 PM: Sermons Preached By Jesus’ Enemies Part 5
April 17: Palm Sunday: On this day we celebrate Jesus’ procession into Jerusalem, which occurred several days before his death. According to the gospels, the people of Jerusalem spread branches from trees—identified specifically as palm branches in John's gospel—on the road to welcome Jesus as he rode a donkey into the city. Classic Praise Worship at 8:00 AM and the Sunday School production of “The Three Trees” Children’s Musical at 10:45. The musical is a wonderful opportunity to invite your friends and family to hear the Easter message!
April 21: Maundy Thursday Service, 7 PM: Christians commemorate the Last Supper—a Passover meal that Jesus shared with his disciples the night before his death.
April 22: Good Friday Chapel at St. Peter Lutheran School, 12 PM
April 22: Good Friday Tenebrae Service, 7 PM: The word "tenebrae" is a Latin word that means "darkness." In this quietly dramatic service, lights are gradually extinguished as we reflect on the death of Jesus.
April 24: We celebrate Easter! Classic Praise Worship at 8:00 AM, Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Breakfast at 9:30 AM, and Band-Led Worship at 10:45 AM.
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